This particular luau had lots of handmade items to make it one-of-a-kind. Below is an example of each place setting.
These cups started out plain yellow, and I just used a black permanent marker to draw SpongeBob's face. Since the cups were short, I also cut the straws to fit without falling out. These are sturdy plastic and washable, so the guests were able to take them home.
These "chum buckets" are made from clear plastic cups with pipe cleaners glued onto the sides to resemble a handle. Gummi fish and worms, plus oyster crackers and Goldfish crackers make a pre-lunch snack for all of the guests. I got the little "shovels" from a local ice cream shoppe. They are the little spoons used to give out ice cream samples.
Raffia with a seashell hot-glued on holds the silverware bundles into place.
The treat bags were a huge hit. Everything inside came from either the dollar store or Oriental Trading Company. The bag itself started out as a plain brown lunch sack. A few snips with scissors, a marker, and a sticker, and there you go!!
It's simple to personalize the favors. A return address label fits perfectly around these tiny bubble bottles.
A tropical playlist specially selected for the birthday boy and girl was a special keepsake of their party. I used a permanent marker and some stickers to decorated the cd.